Frequently Asked Questions

we are a team that share a passion for bringing laughter and smiles to faces of many people. We want to give people like you the chance of winning incredible prizes at just a fraction of the cost and have a bit of fun along the way why raising some money for some good causes!

Lucky winner are based in Thurrock, Essex, England. 

The maximum number of entries per person will be determined on each individual competition page. The maximum number of entries may vary from competition to competition.

If we don’t quite sell out a competition we may choose to either – 
(a) extend the competition end date by up to 6 weeks
(b) close the competition anyway and give away a cash prize instead, see terms and conditions for more details

You can watch all our draws live on Facebook HERE:

We’ll announce the winner in a live draw on our Facebook page and then contact the winner directly to arrange delivery of their prize. We will also post the name of the winner on our website and social media.

We will contact you with in 48hrs of announcing the competition winner using your account details supplied. So please make sure all of your details are update to avoid disappointment! you have 7days to respond to claim your prize.

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